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Small-Cap Stocks

U.S. Exchanges

The links on this page take you lists of small-cap stocks in the respective category. These small-cap stocks have a market capitalization over 300 million and under two billion dollars. While there is not one universally accepted standard used in determining what capitalization level actually constitutes a small-cap stock, the 300 million to two billion dollar range is perhaps the most common threshold used in the financial community. However, it should be noted that many ETF providers, financial professionals and other classification systems may use different capitalization levels.

We update these pages at the start of every month so it is possible that a stock’s market cap might fall below 300 million or go above two billion dollars between updates.

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Mid-Cap Stocks

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S&P 600 ETFs

Russell 2000 ETFs

Micro-Cap ETFs

Small-Cap ETFs

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Small-Cap Value ETFs