Publicly Traded Mid-Cap Oil & Gas Midstream Companies
List of Publicly Traded Mid-Cap Oil & Gas Midstream Companies Listed on Major U.S. Exchanges
The companies on this list are publicly listed mid-sized companies that own and/or operate midstream energy assets. The two most common examples of midstream assets owned by these companies include:
- Transportation Assets: Pipelines are the most common transportation asset owned by these companies but rail, truck and marine transportation are also areas that some companies engage in.
- Storage Assets
These companies have a market capitalization between two billion and ten billion dollars. We update this list at the beginning of each month so it is possible that during the course of a month a company on this list may fall below two billion or go above ten billion dollars based on market activity. Additional oil & gas companies that own and operate midstream assets can be found in the following sections:
Large-Cap Oil & Gas Midstream Companies
Small-Cap Oil & Gas Midstream Companies
Additional mid-cap oil and gas companies can be located in the following section:
A comparison widget that shows trend, earnings per share (EPS), P/E ratio and beta for each of the companies on this list can be accessed through the link below.
Mid-Cap Oil & Gas Midstream Industry Comparison Widget
Select the company’s link to access charts, news links and company website and social media information.
Oil and Gas Midstream: Mid-Cap Stocks
Andeavor Logistics LP (ANDX) (Pipelines, terminals, natural gas processing facilities)
Antero Midstream GP LP (AMGP) (IPO May 4, 2017; Midstream assets in the Appalachian Basin)
Antero Midstream Partners L.P. (AM) (Pipelines and compressor stations)
Boardwalk Pipeline Partners L.P. (BWP) (Natural gas and NGL storage and pipeline assets)
Buckeye Partners L.P. (BPL) (Pipelines, storage facilities)
Cheniere Energy Partners LP Holdings, LLC (CQH) (Owns a partner interest in Cheniere Energy Partners, L.P.)
DCP Midstream, L.P. (DCP) (Midstream: natural gas, NGLs; propane)
Dominion Midstream Partners, L.P. (DM) (Pipeline and LNG facility)
Enable Midstream Partners, L.P. (ENBL) (Pipelines, processing plants, storage facilities)
EnLink Midstream, LLC (ENLC) (General partner of EnLink Midstream Partners)
EnLink Midstream Partners, L.P. (ENLK) (Pipelines, processing plants, fractionation facilities, storage facilities)
EQT Midstream Partners, L.P. (EQM) (Natural gas gathering, storage and transmission)
EQT GP Holdings, LP (EQGP) (Partnership interest in EQT Midstream Partners)
Genesis Energy, L.P. (GEL) (Pipelines, refinery services)
Holly Energy Partners, L.P. (HEP) (Pipelines and terminals)
NGL Energy Partners L.P. (NGL) (Diversified midstream assets; marketing, retail propane, water treatment)
NuStar Energy (NS) (Asphalt refineries, pipelines, storage and terminaling facilities)
Phillips 66 Partners L.P. (PSXP) (Pipelines, terminals and other midstream assets)
Plains Group Holdings, L.P. (PAGP) (Plains All American Pipeline’s general partner)
Rice Midstream Partners L.P. (RMP) (Gathering, compression and dehydration assets)
Semgroup Corporation (SEMG) (Midstream energy assets)
Shell Midstream Partners, L.P. (SHLX) (Crude oil and refined products pipelines)
Tallgrass Energy Partners, L.P. (TEP) (Pipelines and storage facilities)
Tallgrass Energy GP, LP (TEGP)
TC PipeLines, L.P. (TCP) (Pipelines)
Valero Energy Partners L.P. (VLP) (Pipelines and terminals)
Western Gas Equity Partners, L.P. (WGP) (Owns and manages Western Gas Partners)
Western Gas Partners, L.P. (WES) (Midstream energy assets)
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List of Publicly Traded Energy Companies
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