Nano-Cap Healthcare Stocks
List of Publicly Traded Nano-Cap Healthcare Companies Listed on U.S. Exchanges
This list includes healthcare companies with market capitalizations under 50 million dollars. In the world of investing these are referred to as nano-cap stocks. We update this page at the start of every month so it is possible that during the course of a month a company’s market cap might go above fifty million dollars between updates. In parentheses you will find a short description or areas of focus for the company. Additional healthcare companies can be found in the following sections:
Due to the size of the healthcare sector we have created other sections where nano-cap healthcare companies can be located:
Nano-Cap Medical Device Companies
A comparison widget that shows trend, earnings per share (EPS), P/E ratio and beta for each of the companies on this list can be accessed through the link below.
Nano-Cap Healthcare Sector Comparison Widget
Select the company’s link to access charts, news links and company website and social media information.
Akers Biosciences Inc. (AKER) (Point-of-care screening and testing products)
Biomerica, Inc. (BMRA) (Medical diagnostic products)
Check-Cap Ltd. (CHEK) (IPO in January 2015, Israel: Ingestible imaging capsule for the screening for colorectal cancer)
Interpace Diagnostics Group, Inc. (IDXG)
Healthcare Research Services
Bioanalytical Systems, Inc. (BASI) (Contract research services and niche instrumentation)
Healthcare Services
CynergisTek Inc. (CTEK) (Document management and cybersecurity solutions to the healthcare industry)
Molecular Diagnostics
Biocept, Inc. (BIOC) (Molecular oncology)
Co-Diagnostics, Inc. (CODX) (IPO July 12, 2017; molecular diagnostics)
Genetic Technologies Ltd. (GENE) (Molecular diagnostics: cancer management tests)
OpGen, Inc. (OPGN) (IPO in May 2015: Diagnostics; molecular testing and bioinformatics)
Related Links:
Publicly Traded Companies by Sector and Industry