Publicly Traded Business Data, Research and Analytic Companies
List of Publicly Traded Business Data, Information and Analytic Companies Listed on Major U.S. Exchanges
The companies in this section provide data, analytical, business intelligence and/or research services.
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Business Data, Information, Research and Analytics: Large-Cap Stocks
Equifax, Inc. (EFX) (Financial, consumer and commercial data and analytical services)
Nielsen N.V. (NLSN) (Provides TV, radio, online and mobile media analytical and viewer consumption services and data)
Verisk Analytics, Inc. (VRSK) (Data analytics services for the insurance, energy, healthcare, financial services, government and risk management markets)
Business Data, Information, Research and Analytics: Small-Cap Stocks
Forrester Research, Inc. (FORR) (Research services)
Business Data, Information, Research and Analytics: Micro-Cap Stocks
Mattersight Corporation (MATR) (Analytics services that analyze customer-employee interactions)
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