Publicly Traded Banks in Montana
List of Publicly Traded Banks in Montana Listed on Major U.S. Exchanges
The banks on this list are publicly traded banks or savings institutions with branches in the state of Montana. These banks are all small-cap companies with the exception of Glacier Bancorp (GBCI) which is a mid-cap bank with branches in six different states. If you are looking for a publicly traded bank with branches in Montana that is not listed here, you might find it on our National Banks page.
Additional publicly traded banks can be found in our main banks section which can be accessed through the link below:
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Banks in Montana Comparison Widget
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Montana Banks
Eagle Bancorp Montana, Inc. (EBMT) (Holding company for Opportunity Bank of Montana)
First Interstate BancSystem, Inc. (FIBK) (Holding company for First Interstate Bank; banking offices in Montana, South Dakota and Wyoming)
Glacier Bancorp, Inc. (GBCI) (Holding company for Glacier Bank; branches throughout Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, Idaho and Washington)
Heartland Financial USA, Inc. (HTLF) (Holding company for several banks; branches in Arizona, Colorado, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, New Mexico and Wisconsin)
Related Links:
Publicly Traded Companies in Montana