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List of Companies from Monaco on U.S. Exchanges

The companies on this list are headquartered in Monaco and listed on major U.S. exchanges.

Select the company’s link to access charts, news links and company website and social media information.

GasLog LP. (GLOG) (LNG carriers)

GasLog Partners L.P. (GLOP) (LNG carriers)

Scorpio Bulkers Inc. (SALT)

Navios Maritime Acquisition Corporation (NNA) (Bulk chemical liquids, crude oil and refined petroleum)

Navios Maritime Holdings Inc. (NM)

Navios Maritime Midstream Partners L.P. (NAP) (Large crude oil tankers)

Safe Bulkers, Inc. (SB) (Dry bulk shipping)

Scorpio Tankers Inc. (STNG) (Petroleum products)

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