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Direxion Daily Developed Markets Bull 3x Shares

Name of ETF: Direxion Daily Developed Markets Bull 3x Shares

Benchmark Index: MSCI EAFE Index

Ticker Symbol: DZK

Approximate Number of Stocks in this ETF: 900

Leveraged ETF: This ETF attempts to produce leveraged daily returns above the benchmark index results based on a multiplier. In the case of this ETF, the multiplier is 3x (300%). This means the ETF is seeking results equal to 300% of the benchmark index performance

Types of Companies Included: Large, mid and small-sized companies located in developed market economies throughout Europe, Australasia and the Far East. Companies from the United States, Canada and emerging market countries are excluded from this ETF.

Countries with the Most Representation: Japan and the United Kingdom.

Sector with the Most Representation: The sector with the most representation (largest weight) is the financial sector which represents a significant percentage of this ETF.

Individual Company Weight: This ETF is diversified with no one company representing a significant percentage of the ETF.

Related Links:

List of EAFE ETFs

Direxion Website