Publicly Traded Professional License Educational Companies
List of Publicly Traded Professional License Educational Companies Listed on Major U.S. Exchanges
These companies provide services in one of two areas:
- They provide training for professionals looking to obtain or maintain a professional license
- They create the tests for the professional license and/or certification process
Professional licenses are required in a number of fields in countries around the world. Accounting, banking, health care, insurance and securities are just a few examples.
Additional publicly traded education companies and education categories can be accessed through the link below:
A comparison widget that shows trend, earnings per share (EPS), P/E ratio and beta for each of the companies on this list can be accessed through the link below.
Professional License and Certification Industry Comparison Widget
Select the company’s link to access charts, news links and company website and social media information.
Professional License and Certification Companies: Small-Cap Stocks
China Distance Education Holdings Limited (DL) (China: provides training to professionals who are attempting to obtain professional licenses)
Professional License and Certification Companies: Micro-Cap Stocks
ATA Inc. (ATAI) (China: commercial licensure and certification tests)
Related Links:
Publicly Traded Companies by Sector and Industry
List of Post-Secondary Education Companies