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List of Companies from Luxembourg on U.S. Exchanges

The companies on this list are headquartered in Luxembourg and listed on major U.S. exchanges. Examples of some of the larger companies on this list based on market capitalization include:

ArcelorMittal (MT)

Tenaris S.A. (TS)

Select the company’s link to access charts, news links and company website and social media information.

Agricultural Companies

Adecoagro S.A. (AGRO) (Farmland and Industrial)


Corporacion America Airports S.A. (CAAP) (IPO February 1, 2018; Luxembourg: airport operator)


Orion Engineered Carbons S.A. (OEC) (Carbon black)


Nexa Resources S.A. (NEXA) (IPO October 27, 2017; integrated zinc producer)

Mortgage Services

Altisource Portfolio Solutions S.A. (ASPS) (Mortgage, financial and technology services to the real estate, mortgage and consumer debt industries)

Packaging Containers

Ardagh Group S.A. (ARD) (IPO March 15, 2017; metal and glass consumer packaging containers)

Professional Services

Atento S.A. (ATTO) (Provides customer relationship management and business process outsourcing services in Latin America)


ArcelorMittal (MT) (Integrated steel producer)

Tenaris S.A. (TS) (Tubes, casing and line, mechanical and structural pipes)

Ternium S.A. (TX) (Integrated steel producer)

Technology Services

Globant S.A. (GLOB) (Technology services provider)

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Foreign Stocks on U.S. Exchanges

Publicly Traded Companies by Sector and Industry