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Small-Cap Utility Stocks

U.S. Exchanges

List of Small-Cap Utility Stocks Listed on U.S. Exchanges

This list includes small-sized utilities with a market capitalization between 300 million and two billion dollars. We update this page at the start of every month so it is possible that during the course of a month a company’s market cap might fall below 300 million or go above two billion. Additional utilities can be found in the following sections:

List of Publicly Traded Utilities

Large-Cap Utility Stocks

Mid-Cap Utility Stocks

Micro-Cap Utility Stocks

In parentheses you will find a short description or areas of focus for the company. A comparison widget that shows trend, earnings per share (EPS), P/E ratio and beta for each of the companies on this list can be accessed through the link below.

Small-Cap Utilities Sector Comparison Widget

Select the company’s link to access charts, news links and company website and social media information.

Diversified Utilities

Chesapeake Utilities Corporation (CPK) (Services provided in Florida and Ohio; natural gas, electric and propane)

Spark Energy, Inc. (SPKE) (Services provided in Multiple Regions)

UNITIL Corporation (UTL) (Services provided in Maine, New Hampshire and Massachusetts)

Electric Utilities

Central Puerto S.A. (CEPU) (IPO February 2, 2018; Argentina: electric power generation)

El Paso Electric Company (EE) (Service provided in Texas and New Mexico)

Otter Tail Corporation (OTTR) (Service provided in Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota; Diversified Manufacturing)

Foreign Utilities

Empresa Distribuidora Y Comercializadora Norte S.A. (EDN) (Argentina: electric utilities)

TransAlta Corporation (TAC) (Canada: electric utilities)

Natural Gas Utilities

Northwest Natural Gas Company (NWN) (Services provided in Oregon and Washington)

Water Utilities

American States Water Company (AWR) (Services provided in California)

California Water Service Group Holding (CWT) (Services provided in California, Hawaii, New Mexico and Washington)

Connecticut Water Service, Inc. (CTWS) (Services provided in Connecticut and Maine)

Middlesex Water Company (MSEX) (Services provided in Delaware, New Jersey and Pennsylvania)

SJW Corporation (SJW) (Services provided in California and Texas)

The York Water Company (YORW) (Services provided in Pennsylvania)

Related Links:

List of Small-Cap Stocks

Stocks by Market Cap

Publicly Traded Companies by Sector and Industry