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List of Silver ETFs and ETNs Listed on U.S. Exchanges

A number of investors are interested in silver and ETFs and ETNs give these investors an alternative means to invest in silver.

Silver ETFs and ETNs

ETFS Physical Silver Shares Trust ETF (SIVR) (This trust is designed to move in the same direction as the price of silver. Investors looking to invest in silver without purchasing physical silver can use silver ETFs/ETNs as an alternative investment vehicle)

iShares Silver Trust (SLV) (This trust is designed to move in the same direction as the price of silver)

PowerShares DB Silver Fund (DBS) (This ETF is designed to move in the same direction as the price of silver. The underlying index is composed of silver future contracts and this fund is designed to track the changes of the underlying index plus what interest income is derived from the fund’s U.S. treasury holdings (less the fund’s expenses)

Sprott Physical Silver Trust ETV (PSLV) (Designed for investors who want to hold physical silver)

UBS E-TRACS CMCI Silver Total Return ETN (USV) (This ETN is designed to track the performance of the UBS Bloomberg CMCI Silver Total Return)

Silver ETFs and ETNs: Covered Call Strategy

X-Links Silver Shares Covered Call ETN (SLVO)

Silver ETFs and ETNs: Leveraged

ProShares Ultra Silver (AGQ) (Daily Target: 2x) (This ETF allows investors to take a leveraged position on silver. In the case of this ETF, the multiplier is 2x (200%). This means the ETF is seeking a daily target equal to 200% of the daily performance of silver bullion)

VelocityShares 3x Long Silver ETN (USLV) (Daily Target: 3x) (This ETN allows investors to take a leveraged position on silver. In the case of this ETN, the multiplier is 3x (300%). This means the ETN is seeking a daily target equal to 300% of the S&P GSCI Silver Index ER)

Silver ETFs and ETNs: Short

ProShares UltraShort Silver (ZSL) (Daily Target: -2x) (This ETF allows investors to take a leveraged bearish position against silver bullion. If the price of silver bullion goes down, this ETF is designed to go up two times the amount the price went down. Conversely, if the price of silver bullion goes up, this ETF is designed to go down two times the amount the price went up)

VelocityShares 3x Inverse Silver ETN (DSLV) (Daily Target: -3x) (This ETN allows investors to take a leveraged bearish position against the S&P GSCI Silver Index ER. If the S&P GSCI Silver Index ER goes down, this ETN is designed to go up three times the amount the index went down. Conversely, if the S&P GSCI Silver Index ER goes up, this ETN is designed to go down three times the amount the index went up.)