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Publicly Traded Boating Manufacturers and Retailers

U.S. Exchanges

List of Publicly Traded Boating Manufacturers and Retailers Listed on U.S. Exchanges

While there is not a large selection of publicly traded boating related companies, the ones there are cross the entire realm of the boating world. There are designers and manufacturers of numerous different types of boats (MCFT, MBUU and MPX) and retailers for both boats (HZO) and boating products (WMAR). Also included on this list are manufacturers of boating equipment, products and components.


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A comparison widget that shows trend, earnings per share (EPS), P/E ratio and beta for each of the companies on this list can be accessed through the link below.

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Boating: Mid-Cap Stocks

Brunswick Corporation (BC) (Diversified: marine engines, motors, parts and accessories; recreational goods)

Boating: Small-Cap Stocks

Johnson Outdoors Inc. (JOUT) (Diversified: marine electronics and watercraft products; recreational goods)

Malibu Boats, Inc. (MBUU) (Sports boats)

MarineMax, Inc. (HZO) (Recreational boat retailer)

Marine Products Corporation (MPX) (Pleasure and fishing boats)

Boating: Micro-Cap Stocks

CompX International Inc. (CIX) (Recreational boat components)

MCBC Holdings Inc. (MCFT) (July 2015: power boat manufacturer; MasterCraft brand)

Ocean Bio-Chem, Inc. (OCBI) (Maintenance and appearance products)

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