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Publicly Traded Patent and Intellectual Property Companies

U.S. Exchanges

List of Publicly Traded Patent and Intellectual Property Companies Listed on U.S. Exchanges

The companies on this list are engaged in a number of activities relating to patents and intellectual property which can include:

  • Licensing existing intellectual property to other companies.
  • Acquiring and enforcing patents.
  • Acquiring and developing businesses that have unique technologies which are protected by intellectual property rights.
  • Acting as an intermediary in the patent market through sourcing, securing and licensing patents. These companies will sometimes work with patent owners by providing capital in exchange for future licensing revenue.
  • Providing risk and cost reduction services related to litigation.

Select the company’s link to access charts, news links and company website and social media information.

Patent and Intellectual Property Companies

Acacia Research Corporation (ACTG)

FORM Holdings Corp. (FH)

Marathon Patent Group, Inc. (MARA)

Network-1 Technologies, Inc. (NTIP)

Pendrell Corporation (PCO)

Quarterhill Inc. (QTRH)

RPX Corporation (RPXC)

Spherix Incorporated (SPEX)

Straight Path Communications Inc. (STRP)

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