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Publicly Traded Mid and Small-Cap Asset Management Companies

U.S. Exchanges

List of Publicly Traded Mid and Small-Cap Asset Management Companies Listed on Major U.S. Exchanges

Many of the mid and small-cap asset management companies share similar characteristics to their large-cap counterparts. These companies provide financial products and services to a range of clients with the goal of helping their clients meet their financial objectives. Like the large-caps, many of these companies offer a range of strategies (equities, fixed income, alternative investments) through a number of investment vehicles (mutual funds, ETFs, closed-end funds, etc.). What differentiates these companies is (as a general rule) the fact they have fewer assets under management (AUM) and less of a global reach. With some of these companies you also start to see more of a specialized focus on a more select group of strategies or a specific demographic/industry that the company is targeting.


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Mid and Small-Cap Asset Management Industry Comparison Widget

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Asset Management Companies: Mid-Cap Stocks

Affiliated Managers Group, Inc. (AMG)

AllianceBerstein Holdings L.P. (AB)

Artisan Partners Asset Management Inc. (APAM)

Eaton Vance Corporation (EV)

Janus Henderson Group plc (JHG)

KKR & Co. L.P. (KKR)

Lazard Ltd. (LAZ)

Legg Mason, Inc. (LM)

SEI Investments Company (SEIC)

Voya Financial, Inc. (VOYA)

Asset Management Companies: Small-Cap Stocks

BrightSphere Investment Group plc (BSIG)

Cohen & Steers Inc. (CNS)

Diamond Hill Investment Group, Inc. (DHIL)

Federated Investors, Inc. (FII)

Gamco Investors, Inc. (GBL)

Noah Holdings Ltd. (NOAH) (China)

Piper Jaffray Companies (PJC) (Investment banking and asset management)

Pzena Investment Management Inc. (PZN)

Virtus Investment Partners, Inc. (VRTS)

Waddell & Reed Financial, Inc. (WDR)

Westwood Holdings Group Inc. (WHG)

WisdomTree Investments, Inc. (WETF) (Focuses exclusively on ETFs)

Asset Management Companies: Micro-Cap Stocks

Ashford Inc. (AINC)

Hennessy Advisors, Inc. (HNNA)

Jupai Holdings Ltd. (JP) (IPO in July 2015: China)

Manning & Napier, Inc. (MN)

Silvercrest Asset Management Group Inc. (SAMG)

U.S. Global Investors, Inc. (GROW)

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