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Publicly Traded Micro-Cap Semiconductor Companies

U.S. Exchanges

List of Publicly Traded Micro-Cap Semiconductor Companies Listed on Major U.S. Exchanges

Compared to the larger semiconductor companies, you start to see a high level of specialization with small-sized semiconductor companies. It is very common for these companies to be fabless (outsource the manufacturing) and for the company to focus on a very specific product line. Collectively, the products these companies produce are used in a wide range of range of industries which include aerospace and defense, automotive, communications, computing, consumer electronics, medical devices and networking to name a few.

These companies are micro-cap stocks based on market capitalization with a market cap under 300 million dollars. We update this list at the beginning of each month so it is possible that a stock goes over 300 million between updates.


Additional semiconductor companies can be found through the following links:

List of Semiconductor Companies

Large-Cap Semiconductor Companies

Mid-Cap Semiconductor Companies

Small-Cap Semiconductor Companies

A comparison widget that shows trend, earnings per share (EPS), P/E ratio and beta for each of the companies on this list can be accessed through the link below.

Micro-Cap Semiconductors Comparison Widget

Select the company’s link to access charts, news links and company website and social media information.

Semiconductor Companies: Micro-Cap Stocks

Adesto Technologies Corporation (IOTS) (IPO in October 2015: Memory technologies used in a range of applications)

AXT Inc. (AXTI) (Compound semiconductor substrates)

DSP Group, Inc. (DSPG) (Wireless chipset products)

EMCORE Corporation (EMKR) (Compound semiconductor-based products)

Enphase Energy, Inc. (ENPH) (Solar)

Everspin Technologies, Inc. (MRAM) (IPO October 7, 2016: magnetoresistive random access memory (MRAM) products)

GSI Technology, Inc. (GSIT) (Memory products)

Intermolecular, Inc. (IMI) (Royalty based model)

Kopin Corporation (KOPN) (Wearable headset products)

MoSys, Inc. (MOSY) (Products used by the networking and communications markets)

Netlist, Inc. (NLST) (Logic-based memory subsystems)

Pixelworks, Inc. (PXLW) (Products with digital video applications)

QuickLogic Corporation (QUIK) (Silicon plus software products used electronic and mobile OEMs)

Resonant Inc. (RESN) (Filter designs for radio frequency front-ends)

Rubicon Technology, Inc. (RBCN) (Mono crystalline sapphire products)

Sigma Designs, Inc. (SIGM) (Fabless semiconductor company: smart home products)

Related Links:

Publicly Traded Companies by Sector and Industry

List of Technology Companies

List of Semiconductor ETFs