Publicly Traded Aesthetics Companies
List of Publicly Traded Healthcare Companies Focusing on Aesthetics Listed on Major U.S. Exchanges
The companies on this list are biotech, medical device or pharmaceutical companies that design, develop, manufacture and/or distribute medical aesthetic devices, systems and products. Examples of the applications of these products include:
- Body contouring
- Cosmetic surgery
- Hair removal
- Reducing cellulite
- Removing tattoos
- Scar reduction
- Skin revitalization
- Treatment of acne
- Treatment of vascular lesions
- Wrinkle reduction
The companies in this category are primarily mid and small-cap companies.
A comparison widget that shows trend, earnings per share (EPS), P/E ratio and beta for each of the companies on this list can be accessed through the link below.
Aesthetics Industry Comparison Widget
Select the company’s link to access charts, news links and company website and social media information.
Aesthetics: Small-Cap Stocks
Revance Therapeutics, Inc. (RVNC) (Biopharmaceutical company: botulinum toxin products used in aesthetic and therapeutic applications)
Sienna Biopharmaceuticals, Inc. (SNNA) (IPO July 27, 2017; biopharmaceutical company: dermatology and aesthetics)
Aesthetics: Micro-Cap Stocks
Cutera, Inc. (CUTR) (Energy-based aesthetic systems)
Sientra, Inc. (SIEN) (Silicone gel breast implants)
Aesthetics: Nano-Cap Stocks
Dynatronics Corporation (DYNT) (Therapy devices, medical supplies and soft goods, treatment tables and rehabilitation equipment; manufactures and distributes physical medicine and aesthetic products)
Related Links:
List of Companies in the Healthcare Sector
List of Pharmaceutical Companies
Publicly Traded Companies by Sector and Industry