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Publicly Traded Natural Gas Distributors

U.S. Exchanges

List of Publicly Traded Natural Gas Distributors Listed on Major U.S. Exchanges

These companies are natural gas distributors who serve residential, commercial and industrial customers in their targeted region. While there are exceptions on both ends, the general range of the number of customers served generally falls between 700,000 and two million customers. It is very common for these companies to also have additional subsidiaries who own natural gas infrastructure assets (pipelines and storage assets), processing and gathering facilities and/or engage in energy marketing.


Additional publicly traded utilities and utility categories can be accessed through the link below:

List of Publicly Traded Utilities

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Natural Gas Utilities Industry Comparison Widget

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Natural Gas Utilities: Mid-Cap Stocks

Atmos Energy Corporation (ATO) (Services Provided in Colorado, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia)

National Fuel Gas Company (NFG) (Services Provided in New York and Pennsylvania)

New Jersey Resources Corporation (NJR) (Natural Gas: services provided in New Jersey)

ONE Gas, Inc. (OGS) (Services Provided in Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas)

South Jersey Industries, Inc. (SJI) (Services Provided in New Jersey)

Southwest Gas Corporation (SWX) (Services Provided in Arizona, California and Nevada)

Spire Inc. (SR) (Natural gas service to customers in Alabama and Missouri)

WGL Holdings Inc. (WGL) (Natural gas distribution and midstream assets)

Natural Gas Utilities: Small-Cap Stocks

Northwest Natural Gas Company (NWN) (Services provided in Oregon and Washington)

Natural Gas Utilities: Micro-Cap Stocks

Delta Natural Gas Company, Inc. (DGAS) (Services Provided in Kentucky)

Gas Natural Inc. (EGAS) (Services Provided in Kentucky, Maine, Montana, North Carolina, Ohio and Pennsylvania)

RGC Resources Inc. (RGCO) (Services Provided in Virginia)

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