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Publicly Traded Farmland REITs

U.S. Exchanges

List of Publicly Traded Farmland REITs Listed on Major U.S. Exchanges

Farm real estate investment trusts (REITs) have a straight forward business model. In the most basic version of the model the companies acquire farmland and then rent that farmland to farmers. The farmers can be corporations or individual farmers. These farm REITs also provide a variety of services to their tenants which help lower their costs and improve the overall quality of the farm. Also included in this section are real estate development companies who own farmland.


Additional publicly traded agriculture companies and REITs can be accessed through the links below:

List of Agriculture Companies

List of Publicly Traded REITs

A comparison widget that shows trend, earnings per share (EPS), P/E ratio and beta for each of the companies on this list can be accessed through the link below.

Farmland Industry Comparison Widget

Select the company’s link to access charts, news links and company website and social media information.

Farmland: Small-Cap Stocks

Farmland Partners Inc. (FPI)

Farmland: Micro-Cap Stocks

Gladstone Land Corporation (LAND)

Related Links:

List of Agriculture Companies

List of Publicly Traded REITs

Publicly Traded Companies by Sector and Industry

Large-Cap Real Estate

Mid-Cap Real Estate

Small-Cap Real Estate

Micro-Cap Real Estate