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Publicly Traded Diagnostic Companies: Cancer

U.S. Exchanges

List of Publicly Traded Cancer Diagnostic Companies Listed on Major U.S. Exchanges

This group of companies provides diagnostic products that are used to aid in the detection and treatment of various forms of cancer. Additional cancer focused companies can be found in our Cancer Research and Treatment Companies section.

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Cancer Diagnostic Companies: Small-Cap Stocks

EXACT Sciences Corporation (EXAS) (Molecular diagnostics)

Genomic Health, Inc. (GHDX) (Molecular diagnostics)

Myriad Genetics, Inc. (MYGN) (Hereditary cancer, nephrology, autoimmune diseases, diabetes, neuropsychiatry)

Cancer Diagnostic Companies: Micro-Cap Stocks

Invitae Corporation (NVTA) (Genetic diagnostics for hereditary disorders)

Navidea Biopharmaceuticals, Inc. (NAVB) (Precision diagnostics, therapeutics and radiopharmaceutical agents)

OncoCyte Corporation (OCX) (Liquid biopsy cancer diagnostic tests)

VolitionRX Limited (VNRX) (Singapore: diagnostic tests for cancer and other diseases)

Cancer Diagnostic Companies: Nano-Cap Stocks

Biocept, Inc. (BIOC) (Molecular oncology diagnostics)

Cancer Genetics, Inc. (CGIX) (DNA-based diagnostics)

Check-Cap Ltd. (CHEK) (IPO in January 2015, Israel: Ingestible imaging capsule for the screening for colorectal cancer)

Genetic Technologies Ltd. (GENE) (Molecular diagnostics: cancer management tests)

ITUS Corporation (ITUS)

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Publicly Traded Companies by Sector and Industry

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