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st of Euro Currency ETFs Listed on U.S. Exchanges

These ETFs are designed to track the value of the Euro in relation to the US dollar. There are three types of ETFs on this list:

  • ETFs that go up if the Euro appreciates in relation to the U.S. dollar (FXE, ERO).
  • Leveraged ETFs that allow investors to take a leveraged position on the Euro in relation to the U.S. dollar (URR, ULE). Short versions include DRR and EUO.
  • Short ETFs that go up if the U.S. dollar appreciates in relation to the Euro (DRR, EUFX, EUO).

Euro ETFs

CurrencyShares Euro Trust (FXE)

iPath EUR/USD Exchange Rate ETN (ERO)

Euro ETFs: Leveraged

Market Vectors Double Long Euro ETN (URR)

ProShares Ultra Euro (ULE)

Euro ETFs: Short

Market Vectors Double Short Euro ETN (DRR)

ProShares Short Euro (EUFX)

ProShares UltraShort Euro (EUO)