Commodity ETFs and ETNs
Commodity ETFs and ETNs
This group of exchange-traded products (ETPs) is primarily comprised of ETFs and ETNs that are designed to move in the direction of the daily price of the underlying commodity future. For example, the cotton ETNs are designed to move the same direction as cotton futures and sugar ETNs are designed to move the same direction as sugar futures. These exchange-traded products are designed to provide investors looking to invest in commodity futures an alternative to opening a futures account.
For some of the larger categories such as agriculture, gold, industrial metals and oil, there are also short and leveraged options available. The short ETFs and ETNs are designed to move in the opposite direction of the underlying commodity. In addition, there are also a few specific ETPs that focus on specific strategies, invest in commodity producing companies or in the case of precious metals, are based on the price movement of the precious metal instead of the price of futures contracts.
A full list of Commodity ETFs and ETNs can be found at the bottom of this page or through the ETF category links found on this page.
Related Links:
List of ETFs on U.S. Exchanges
List of Publicly Traded Energy Companies
List of Mining and Metal Companies
Quote Boards
Agriculture ETF and ETN Quote Board
Commodity ETF and ETN Quote Board
Energy ETF and ETN Quote Board
Metals ETF and ETN Quote Board
Precious Metal ETF and ETN Quote Board
Category Links: Commodity ETFs and ETNs
List of Commodity ETFs and ETNs
Agriculture ETFs and ETNs
ELEMENTS Rogers International Commodity Agriculture ETN (RJA)
iPath Bloomberg Agriculture Subindex Total Return ETN (JJA)
iPath Pure Beta Agriculture ETN (DIRT)
PowerShares DB Agriculture Fund (DBA)
Teucrium Agricultural Fund (TAGS)
The United States Agriculture Index ETF (USAG)
UBS E-TRACS CMCI Agriculture Total Return ETN (UAG)
UBS E-TRACS CMCI Food Total Return ETN (FUD)
Agriculture ETFs and ETNs: Leveraged
DB Agriculture Double Long ETN (DAG)
Agriculture ETFs and ETNs: Short
DB Agriculture Short ETN (ADZ)
DB Agriculture Double Short ETN (AGA)
Aluminum ETFs and ETNs
iPath Pure Beta Aluminum ETN (FOIL)
iPath Dow Jones-AIG Aluminum Total Return Sub-Index ETN (JJU)
Biofuel ETFs and ETNs
ELEMENTS MLCX Biofuels Index Total Return ETN (FUE)
Carbon ETFs and ETNs
Cocoa ETFs and ETNs
iPath Pure Beta Cocoa ETN (CHOC)
iPath Dow Jones-AIG Cocoa Total Return Sub-Index ETN (NIB)
Coffee ETFs and ETNs
iPath Pure Beta Coffee ETN (CAFÉ)
iPath Bloomberg Coffee Subindex Total Return ETN (JO)
Commodity ETFs and ETNs
Credit Suisse Commodity Rotation ETN (CSCR)
ELEMENTS Rogers International Commodity ETN (RJI)
First Trust Alternative Absolute Return Strategy ETF (FAAR)
First Trust Global Tactical Commodity Strategy ETF (FTGC)
GreenHaven Continuous Commodity ETF (GCC)
GS Connect S&P GSCI Enhanced Commodity Total Return ETN (GSC)
iPath Bloomberg Commodity Index Total Return ETN (DJP)
iPath Pure Beta Broad Commodity (BCM)
iPath Pure Beta Broad SP GSCI Commodity (GSP)
iPath Pure Beta S&P GSCI-Weighted ETN (SBV)
iShares Commodities Select Strategy ETF (COMT) (Futures and commodity producing stocks)
iShares Commodity Optimized Trust (CMDT)
iShares GSCI Commodity-Indexed Trust (GSG)
PowerShares DB Commodity Index Tracking Fund (DBC)
PowerShares DB Optimum Yield Diversified Commodity Strategy Portfolio ETF (PDBC)
UBS E-TRACS Bloomberg Commodity Index Total Return ETN (DJCI)
UBS ETRACS CMCI Total Return ETN (UCI) (Diversified across commodities and maturities)
United States Commodity Index Fund (USCI) (Futures contracts are equally weighted)
Commodity ETFs and ETNs: Leveraged
DB Commodity Double Long ETN (DYY)
Commodity ETFs and ETNs: Short
DB Commodity Double Short ETN (DEE)
Corn ETFs and ETNs
Copper ETFs and ETNs
iPath Dow Jones – AIG Copper Total Return ETN (JJC)
iPath Pure Beta Copper ETN (CUPM)
United States Copper Index Fund (CPER)
Cotton ETFs and ETNs
iPath Pure Beta Cotton ETN (CTNN)
iPath Dow Jones-AIG Cotton Total Return Sub-Index ETN (BAL)
Diesel Heating Oil ETFs and ETNs
The United States Diesel-Heating Oil Fund (UHN)
Energy ETFs and ETNs
ELEMENTS Rogers International Commodity Energy ETN (RJN)
iPath Exchange Traded Notes Dow Jones – AIG Energy Total Return ETN (JJE)
iPath Pure Beta Energy ETN (ONG)
PowerShares DB Energy Fund (DBE)
UBS E-TRACS CMCI Energy Total Return ETN (UBN)
Futures ETFs and ETNs
First Trust Morningstar Managed Futures Strategy Fund (FMF)
Proshares Managed Futures Strategy ETF (FUT)
WisdomTree Managed Futures Strategy ETF (WDTI)
Gasoline ETFs and ETNs
The United States Gasoline ETF (UGA)
Gold ETFs and ETNs
X-Links Gold Shares Covered Call ETN (This ETN is designed to move in the same direction as the Credit Suisse NASDAQ Gold FLOWSTM 103 Index. This index measures the returns of a covered call writing strategy on the SPDR Gold Trust)
ETFS Physical Swiss Gold Shares (SGOL) (This ETF is designed to move in the same direction as the price of gold bullion)
iShares Gold Trust (IAU) (This trust is designed to move in the same direction as the price of gold bullion)
VanEck Merk Gold Trust (OUNZ) (This ETF is designed to move in the same direction as the price of gold. Investors have the option to take physical delivery of gold if they desire)
PowerShares DB Gold Fund (DGL) (The PowerShares DB Gold Fund seeks to track changes, whether positive or negative, in the level of the DBIQ Optimum Yield Gold Index Excess Return™ (“DB Gold Index” or the “Index”) plus the interest income from the Fund’s holdings of US Treasury securities less the Fund’s expenses)
SPDR Gold Shares (GLD) (This ETF is designed to move in the same direction as the price of gold bullion)
Sprott Physical Gold Trust ETV (PHYS) (Designed for investors who want to hold physical gold without directly investing in physical gold bullion)
UBS E-TRACS CMCI Gold Total Return ETN (UBG) (This ETN is designed to move in the same direction as the price of gold and is based upon is designed to reflect the returns (unleveraged) from a basket of gold futures contracts. Investors looking to invest in gold without opening a futures account (or purchasing physical gold) can use gold ETFs/ETNs as an alternative investment vehicle. Investors should be aware that investing in ETNs is not the same as owning interests in the gold futures contracts as there is no principal protection)
Gold ETFs and ETNs: Purchased with Currencies other than U.S. Dollars
AdvisorShares Gartman Gold/Euro ETF (GEUR) (This ETF uses the euro to invest in gold as an alternative to U.S. dollars. Euros are obtained through methods which can include exchange-traded currency futures or foreign exchange forward contracts)
AdvisorShares Gartman Gold/Yen ETF (GYEN) (This ETF uses the Japanese yen to invest in gold as an alternative to U.S. dollars. The Japanese Yen are obtained through methods which can include exchange-traded currency futures or foreign exchange forward contracts)
Gold ETFs and ETNs: Leveraged
PowerShares DB Gold Double Long ETN (DGP) (This ETN allows investors to take a leveraged position on the Deutsche Bank Liquid Commodity Index — Optimum Yield Gold. In the case of this ETN, the multiplier is 2x (200%). This means the ETN is seeking a daily target equal to 200% of the Deutsche Bank Liquid Commodity Index — Optimum Yield Gold)
ProShares Ultra Gold (UGL) (This ETF allows investors to take a leveraged position on gold bullion. In the case of this ETF, the multiplier is 2x (200%). This means the ETF is seeking a daily target equal to 200% of the daily performance of gold bullion)
VelocityShares 3x Long Gold ETN (UGLD) (This ETN allows investors to take a leveraged position on the S&P GSCI Gold Index ER. In the case of this ETN, the multiplier is 3x (300%). This means the ETF is seeking a daily target equal to 300% of the S&P GSCI Gold Index ER)
Gold ETFs and ETNs: Short
PowerShares DB Gold Short ETN (DGZ) (This ETN attempts to move in the opposite direction of the Deutsche Bank Liquid Commodity Index — Optimum Yield Gold. If the Deutsche Bank Liquid Commodity Index — Optimum Yield Gold goes up, the ETN is designed to go down. If the Deutsche Bank Liquid Commodity Index — Optimum Yield Gold goes down, the ETN is designed to go up.)
DB Gold Double Short ETN (DZZ) (This ETN allows investors to take a leveraged bearish position against the Deutsche Bank Liquid Commodity Index — Optimum Yield Gold. If the Deutsche Bank Liquid Commodity Index — Optimum Yield Gold goes down, this ETN is designed to go up two times the amount the index went down. Conversely, if the Deutsche Bank Liquid Commodity Index — Optimum Yield Gold goes up, this ETN is designed to go down two times the amount the index went up)
ProShares UltraShort Gold (GLL) (This ETF allows investors to take a leveraged bearish position against gold bullion as measured by the U.S. Dollar fixing price for delivery in London. If the price of gold bullion goes down, this ETF is designed to go up two times the amount the price went down. Conversely, if the price of gold bullion goes up, this ETF is designed to go down two times the amount the price went up)
Velocityshares 3X Inverse Gold ETN (DGLD) (This ETN allows investors to take a leveraged bearish position against the S&P GSCI Gold Index ER. If the S&P GSCI Gold Index ER goes down, this ETN is designed to go up three times the amount the index went down. Conversely, if the S&P GSCI Gold Index ER goes up, this ETN is designed to go down three times the amount the index went up)
Grain ETNs
ELEMENTS MLCX Grains Index Total Return ETN (GRU)
iPath Exchange Traded Notes Dow Jones – AIG Grains Total Return ETN (JJG)
iPath Pure Beta Grains ETN (WEET)
Industrial Metals ETFs and ETNs
ELEMENTS Rogers International Commodity Metal ETN (RJZ) (Industrial and precious metals)
iPath Pure Beta Industrial Metals ETN (HEVY) (Aluminum, copper, nickel and zinc)
iPath Dow Jones-UBS Industrial Metals Subindex Total Return ETN (JJM) (Aluminum, copper, nickel and zinc)
PowerShares DB Base Metals Fund (DBB) (Aluminum, copper and zinc)
UBS E-TRACS CMCI Industrial Metals Total Return ETN (UBM) (Copper, zinc, aluminum, nickel, lead).
Industrial Metals ETFs and ETNs: Leveraged
DB Base Metals Double Long ETN (BDD) (Daily Target: 2x)
Industrial Metals ETFs and ETNs: Short
DB Base Metals Short ETN (BOS) (Daily Target: -1x)
DB Base Metals Double Short ETN (BOM) (Daily Target: -2x)
Lead ETNs
iPath Pure Beta Lead ETN (LEDD)
ipath Bloomberg Lead TR Sub-Index ETN (LD)
Livestock ETNs
iPath Dow Jones-UBS Livestock Subindex Total Return ETN (COW)
iPath Pure Beta Livestock ETN (LSTK)
UBS E-TRACS CMCI Livestock Total Return ETN (UBC)
Natural Gas ETFs and ETNs
iPath Dow Jones-UBS Natural Gas Subindex Total Return ETN (GAZ)
iPath Seasonal Natural Gas ETN (DCNG)
The United States 12 Month Natural Gas Fund (UNL)
The United States Natural Gas ETF Fund (UNG)
Natural Gas ETFs and ETNs: Leveraged
ProShares Ultra Bloomberg Natural Gas (BOIL) (Daily Target: 2x)
VelocityShares 3X Long Natural Gas ETN (UGAZ) (Daily Target: 3x)
Natural Gas ETFs and ETNs: Short
ProShares UltraShort Bloomberg Natural Gas (KOLD) (Daily Target: -2x)
VelocityShares 3X Inverse Natural Gas ETN (DGAZ) (Daily Target: -3x)
Nickel ETNs
iPath Dow Jones-UBS Nickel Subindex Total Return ETN (JJN)
iPath Pure Beta Nickel ETN (NINI)
iPath Pure Beta Crude Oil (OLEM)
iPath S&P GSCI Crude Oil Total Return Index ETN (OIL) (West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude oil futures)
PowerShares DB Oil Fund (DBO) (West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude oil futures)
ProShares K1 Free Crude Oil Strategy ETF (OILK)
United States 12 Month Oil Fund (USL) (West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude oil futures)
United States Brent Oil Fund (BNO)
X-Links WTI Crude Oil Index ETN (OIIL)
OIL ETFs and ETNs: Leveraged
ProShares Ultra Bloomberg Crude Oil (UCO) (Daily Target: 2x)
VelocityShares 3X Long Crude ETN (UWTI) (Daily Target: 3x)
OIL ETFs and ETNs: Short
DB Crude Oil Short ETN (SZO) (Daily Target: -1x)
United States Short Oil Fund (DNO) (Daily Target: -1x)
DB Crude Oil Double Short ETN (DTO) (Daily Target: -2x)
ProShares UltraShort Bloomberg Crude Oil (SCO) (Daily Target: -2x)
VelocityShares 3X Inverse Crude ETN (DWTI) (Daily Target: -3x)
Palladium and Platinum ETFs and ETNs
ETFS Physical Palladium Shares ETF (PALL) (This ETF is designed to move in the same direction as the price of palladium. Investors looking to invest in palladium without purchasing physical palladium can use ETFs/ETNs as an alternative investment vehicle)
ETFS Physical Platinum Shares ETF (PPLT) (This ETF is designed to move in the same direction as the price of platinum. Investors looking to invest in platinum without purchasing physical platinum can use ETFs/ETNs as an alternative investment vehicle)
iPath Bloomberg Platinum Subindex Total Return ETN (PGM) (This ETN is designed to move in the same direction as the price of platinum. The index this ETN is based upon is designed to reflect the potential returns (unleveraged) of future contracts on precious metals commodities. Investors looking to invest in commodities without opening a futures account can use commodity ETFs/ETNs as an alternative investment vehicle. Investors should be aware that investing in ETNs is not the same as owning interests in the commodities futures contracts as there is no principal protection)
Sprott Physical Platinum and Palladium Trust (SPPP) (Designed for investors who want to hold physical platinum and palladium)
UBS E-TRACS CMCI Long Platinum Total Return ETN (PTM) (This ETN is designed to move in the same direction as the price of platinum. The index this ETN is based upon is designed to reflect the returns (unleveraged) from a basket of platinum futures contracts. Investors looking to invest in platinum without opening a futures account (or purchasing physical platinum) can use platinum ETFs/ETNs as an alternative investment vehicle. Investors should be aware that investing in ETNs is not the same as owning interests in the platinum futures contracts as there is no principal protection)
ETFS Physical Precious Metal Basket Trust ETF (GLTR) (This trust is designed to move in the same direction as the price of a basket of precious metals (gold, silver, palladium and platinum). Investors looking to invest in precious metals without purchasing the physical metals can use this trust as an alternative investment vehicle)
iPath Pure Beta Precious Metals (BLNG) (This ETN is designed to move in the same direction as the price of a particular basket of precious metals (gold and silver) and provides unleveraged direct exposure to precious metals. The index this ETN is based upon uses precious metals future contracts with varying expiration dates. Investors looking to invest in commodities without opening a futures account can use commodity ETFs/ETNs as an alternative investment vehicle. Investors should be aware that investing in ETNs is not the same as owning interests in the commodities futures contracts as there is no principal protection)
iPath Bloomberg Precious Metals Subindex Total Return ETN (This ETN is designed to move in the same direction as the price of a basket of precious metals (silver and gold). The index this ETN is based upon is designed to reflect the potential returns (unleveraged) of future contracts on precious metals commodities)
PowerShares DB Precious Metals Fund (DBP) (This fund is designed to move in the same direction as the price of gold and silver futures contracts)
Silver ETFs and ETNs
ETFS Physical Silver Shares Trust ETF (SIVR) (This trust is designed to move in the same direction as the price of silver. Investors looking to invest in silver without purchasing physical silver can use silver ETFs/ETNs as an alternative investment vehicle)
iShares Silver Trust (SLV) (This trust is designed to move in the same direction as the price of silver)
PowerShares DB Silver Fund (DBS) (This ETF is designed to move in the same direction as the price of silver. The underlying index is composed of silver future contracts and this fund is designed to track the changes of the underlying index plus what interest income is derived from the fund’s U.S. treasury holdings (less the fund’s expenses)
Sprott Physical Silver Trust ETV (PSLV) (Designed for investors who want to hold physical silver)
UBS E-TRACS CMCI Silver Total Return ETN (USV) (This ETN is designed to track the performance of the UBS Bloomberg CMCI Silver Total Return)
Silver ETFs and ETNs: Covered Call Strategy
X-Links Silver Shares Covered Call ETN (SLVO)
Silver ETFs and ETNs: Leveraged
ProShares Ultra Silver (AGQ) (Daily Target: 2x) (This ETF allows investors to take a leveraged position on silver. In the case of this ETF, the multiplier is 2x (200%). This means the ETF is seeking a daily target equal to 200% of the daily performance of silver bullion)
VelocityShares 3x Long Silver ETN (USLV) (Daily Target: 3x) (This ETN allows investors to take a leveraged position on silver. In the case of this ETN, the multiplier is 3x (300%). This means the ETN is seeking a daily target equal to 300% of the S&P GSCI Silver Index ER)
Silver ETFs and ETNs: Short
ProShares UltraShort Silver (ZSL) (Daily Target: -2x) (This ETF allows investors to take a leveraged bearish position against silver bullion. If the price of silver bullion goes down, this ETF is designed to go up two times the amount the price went down. Conversely, if the price of silver bullion goes up, this ETF is designed to go down two times the amount the price went up)
VelocityShares 3x Inverse Silver ETN (DSLV) (Daily Target: -3x) (This ETN allows investors to take a leveraged bearish position against the S&P GSCI Silver Index ER. If the S&P GSCI Silver Index ER goes down, this ETN is designed to go up three times the amount the index went down. Conversely, if the S&P GSCI Silver Index ER goes up, this ETN is designed to go down three times the amount the index went up.)
Soft Commodity ETFs and ETNs
iPath Pure Beta Softs ETN (GRWN)
iPath Dow Jones-AIG Softs Total Return Sub-Index ETN (JJS)
Soybean ETFs and ETNs
Sugar ETFs and ETNs
iPath Dow Jones-AIG Sugar Total Return Sub-Index ETN (SGG)
Tin ETFs and ETNs
iPath Dow Jones-AIG Tin Total Return Sub-Index ETN (JJT)