Company Name: Snap-On Incorporated February 24, 2025 by Shak Company Name: Snap-On IncorporatedSnap-on manufactures and markets a variety of tools, equipment and services. Examples of their products and services include hand tools, management systems, power tools and software.Ticker Symbol: SNA (New York Stock Exchange)Company Website: https://store.snapon.comSocial Media:Snap-On Incorporated FacebookSnap-On Incorporated LinkedInSnap-On Incorporated TwitterSnap-On Incorporated YouTubeHeadquarters: Kenosha, Wisconsin List of Publicly Traded Industrial Companies Publicly Traded Dispensing System Manufacturers List of Publicly Traded Engine and Motor Manufacturers Publicly Traded Electrical Equipment Companies List of Publicly Traded Industrial Conglomerates List of Publicly Traded Office Furniture Companies Publicly Traded Electronic Component Companies Publicly Traded Industrial Component Companies List of Publicly Traded Welding Companies List of Publicly Traded Water Technology Companies List of Publicly Traded Industrial Distributors List of Publicly Traded Industrial Conglomerates