Mid and Small-Cap Diversified Utilities
List of Publicly Traded Mid and Small-Cap Diversified Utilities Listed on Major U.S. Exchanges
These companies provide electric and natural gas service to customers in their operating region. The principal difference between these companies and their large-cap counterparts is the scope of their operations. For example, a small or mid-cap utility company might provide electric and gas service to 500,000 customers while your typical large-cap utility provides service to a few million customers. While this fact does not indicate that one investment is preferable to another, it is the distinguishing feature that separates companies based on market capitalization.
Additional publicly traded utilities and utility categories can be accessed through the link below:
List of Publicly Traded Utilities
A comparison widget that shows trend, earnings per share (EPS), P/E ratio and beta for each of the companies on this list can be accessed through the link below.
Mid and Small-Cap Diversified Utilities Industry Comparison Widget
Select the company’s link to access charts, news links and company website and social media information.
Diversified Utilities: Mid-Cap Stocks
Algonquin Power & Utilities Corp. (AQN) (Subsidiaries include Algonquin Power Company and Liberty Utilities)
Alliant Energy Corporation (LNT) (Services Provided in the Midwest Region)
Avista Corporation (AVA) (Services Provided in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington)
Black Hills Corporation (BKH) (Services Provided in the Midwest and Rocky Mountain Regions)
MDU Resources Group, Inc. (MDU) (Utilities and Oil & Gas)
MGE Energy Inc. (MGEE) (Services Provided in Wisconsin)
NiSource, Inc. (NI) (Services Provided in Multiple Regions)
NorthWestern Corporation (NWE) (Services Provided in Montana, South Dakota and Nebraska)
Scana Corporation (SCG) (Services Provided in Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina)
UGI Corporation (UGI) (Propane and Utilities)
Vectren Corporation (VVC) (Indiana and Ohio)
Diversified Utilities: Small-Cap Stocks
Chesapeake Utilities Corporation (CPK) (Services Provided in Florida and Ohio; Natural Gas, Electric and Propane)
Spark Energy, Inc. (SPKE) (Services Provided in Multiple Regions)
UNITIL Corporation (UTL) (Services Provided in Maine, New Hampshire and Massachusetts)
Diversified Utilities: Micro-Cap Stocks
Genie Energy Ltd. (GNE) (Services Provided in the Midwest and Mid-Atlantic Regions)
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