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Publicly Traded Behavioral Healthcare Companies

U.S. Exchanges

List of Publicly Traded Behavioral Healthcare Companies Listed on Major U.S. Exchanges

The companies on this list operate behavioral healthcare facilities. Behavioral healthcare is a broad area that includes the treatment of both mental illnesses and substance abuse. Many of these companies operate a number of behavioral healthcare facilities which can include:

  • Inpatient psychiatric hospitals
  • Outpatient clinics
  • Specialty treatment facilities
  • Substance abuse treatment centers


Additional publicly traded healthcare facilities and healthcare facility categories can be accessed through the link below:

List of Publicly Traded Healthcare Facilities

A comparison widget that shows trend, earnings per share (EPS), P/E ratio and beta for each of the companies on this list can be accessed through the link below.

Behavioral Healthcare Facilities Industry Comparison Widget

Select the company’s link to access charts, news links and company website and social media information.

Behavioral Healthcare Facilities: Large-Cap Stocks

Universal Health Services, Inc. (UHS) (Acute care hospitals, behavioral health facilities, ambulatory centers)

Behavioral Healthcare Facilities: Mid-Cap Stocks

Acadia Healthcare Company, Inc. (ACHC) (Behavioral healthcare facilities: drug/alcohol additions and mental health disorders)

Behavioral Healthcare Facilities: Small-Cap Stocks

Universal Health Realty Income Trust (UHT) (REIT: Acute care hospitals, behavioral healthcare facilities, childcare centers, medical office buildings, rehabilitation hospitals and sub-acute care facilities)

Behavioral Healthcare Facilities: Micro-Cap Stocks

AAC Holdings, Inc. (AAC) (Substance abuse treatment centers)

Related Links:

Publicly Traded Companies by Sector and Industry

List of Health Care Companies

List of Health Care ETFs