Publicly Traded Water Utilities
List of Publicly Traded Water Utilities Listed on Major U.S. Exchanges
Water utilities provide the drinking water for their communities which are often geographically located in proximity to one another. They also often provide the wastewater and other water-related services to these same service areas. It should be noted that there are public companies that only focus on drinking water and do not provide the wastewater services.
Unlike some of the other public utilities, there are more cases of the parent company owning water utilities in multiple non-adjacent states. For example, California Water Service Group (CWT) owns public water utilities that provide services in California, Hawaii, New Mexico and Washington. Aqua America (WTR) and American Water Works (AWK) are even more geographically diverse.
Additional publicly traded utilities and utility categories can be accessed through the link below:
List of Publicly Traded Utilities
A comparison widget that shows trend, earnings per share (EPS), P/E ratio and beta for each of the companies on this list can be accessed through the link below.
Water Utilities Industry Comparison Widget
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Water Utilities: Large-Cap Stocks
American Water Works (AWK) (Services Provide in Multiple Regions)
Water Utilities: Mid-Cap Stocks
Aqua America, Inc. (WTR) (Illinois, Indiana, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas and Virginia)
Water Utilities: Small-Cap Stocks
American States Water Company (AWR) (Services Provide in California)
California Water Service Group Holding (CWT) (Services Provide in California, Hawaii, New Mexico and Washington)
Connecticut Water Service, Inc. (CTWS) (Connecticut and Maine)
Middlesex Water Company (MSEX) (Services Provide in Delaware, New Jersey and Pennsylvania)
SJW Corporation (SJW) (Services Provide in California and Texas)
The York Water Company (YORW) (Services Provide in Pennsylvania)
Water Utilities: Micro-Cap Stocks
Artesian Resources Corporation (ATRNA) (Services Provide in Delaware)
Cadiz, Inc. (CDZI) (Owns property with water resources)
Consolidated Water Co. Ltd. (CWCO) (Seawater Reverse Osmosis (SWRO) Desalination Plants and Accompanying Water Distribution Systems)
Global Water Resources, Inc. (GWRS) (Water resource management company; water, wastewater and recycled water utilities)
Pure Cycle Corporation (PCYO) (Designs, constructs, operates and maintains water and wastewater systems)
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