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Name of ETF: ProShares UltraShort MidCap400

Name of ETF: ProShares UltraShort MidCap400

Benchmark Index: S&P MidCap 400

Ticker Symbol: MZZ

Approximate Number of Stocks in this ETF: 400

Types of Companies Included in this ETF: A broad selection of U.S. mid-sized companies.

Daily Target: -2x

Short ETF:  This ETF attempts to produce investment results in the opposite direction of the index. If the S&P MidCap 400 goes up, the ETF is designed to go down. If the S&P MidCap 400 Index goes down, the ETF is designed to go up.

Leveraged ETF: This ETF is a leveraged ETF which means the ETF attempts to produce daily returns based on a multiplier. In the case of this ETF, the multiplier is -2x (-200%). This means the ETF is seeking a daily target that doubles the inverse (opposite) performance of the S&P MidCap 400 Index.

Leverage Risk: Leveraged ETFs are widely regarded as instruments for sophisticated investors only. Substantial losses can occur in a short period of time. Leveraged ETFs should only be used by experienced investors who understand leverage risk and are willing to monitor their positions.

Related Links:

List of S&P 400 ETFs

ProShares Website