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Publicly Traded Produce Companies

U.S. Exchanges

List of Publicly Traded Produce Companies Listed on Major U.S. Exchanges

Produce companies fit into one of two camps in this category. First, you have your specialized producers of specific produce. Examples of these companies include Calavo (Avocados) and Limoneira (Lemons). While they may grow other produce in smaller quantities, the majority of their agriculture revenue comes from one or two specific produce items.

Second, there are companies that produce a variety of packaged produce goods. They also can supply fresh cut and whole produce in addition to other food and beverage items. Diversified does not necessarily mean a company has a larger market cap than a specialized grower. It simply means it does not have a specialized focus on one or two produce items.


Additional publicly traded food and beverage companies can be accessed through the link below:

List of Food and Beverage Companies

A comparison widget that shows trend, earnings per share (EPS), P/E ratio and beta for each of the companies on this list can be accessed through the link below.

Produce Industry Comparison Widget

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Produce Companies: Mid-Cap Stocks

Fresh Del Monte Produce, Inc. (FDP) (Producer and distributor of produce)

Lamb Weston Holdings, Inc. (LW) (Frozen potato products)

Produce Companies: Small-Cap Stocks

Calavo Growers, Inc. (CVGW) (Avocados and other produce)

Seneca Foods Corp. (SENEA) (Packaged fruits and vegetables)

Produce Companies: Micro-Cap Stocks

Alico, Inc. (ALCO) (Diversified agricultural products)

Farmmi, Inc. (FAMI) (IPO February 16, 2018; China: Mu Er and Shiitake mushrooms)

Limoneira Co. (LMNR) (Lemons, avocados and oranges)

Related Links:

Publicly Traded Companies by Sector and Industry

Large-Cap Food and Beverage

Mid-Cap Food and Beverage

Small-Cap Food and Beverage

Micro-Cap Food and Beverage