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LNG Tanker Stocks

Publicly Traded Liquefied Natural Gas Shipping Companies

List of Publicly Traded Liquefied Natural Gas Shipping Companies Listed on Major U.S. Exchanges

Like many of the marine transportation categories, the publicly traded liquefied natural gas shipping companies are primarily headquartered outside of the United States. These public companies are mostly smaller-sized companies that focus on acquiring, owning and operating liquefied natural gas (LNG) carriers. There are also a few companies on this list that own floating storage and regasification units (FSRUs).


Additional publicly traded shipping companies and shipping categories can be accessed through the link below:

List of Shipping Companies

A comparison widget that shows trend, earnings per share (EPS), P/E ratio and beta for each of the companies on this list can be accessed through the link below.

Liquefied Natural Gas Shipping Industry Comparison Widget

Select the company’s link to access charts, news links and company website and social media information.

Liquefied Natural Gas Shipping: Mid-Cap Stocks

Golar LNG Limited (GLNG) (LNG carriers)

Liquefied Natural Gas Shipping: Small-Cap Stocks

Dynagas LNG Partners LP (DLNG) (Greece: LNG carriers)

GasLog LP. (GLOG) (LNG carriers)

GasLog Partners L.P. (GLOP) (LNG carriers)

Golar LNG Partners L.P. (GMLP) (LNG Carriers and floating storage and regasification units)

Hoegh LNG Partners LP (HMLP) (Floating storage and regasification units)

Navigator Holdings Ltd. (NVGS) (United Kingdom: LNG carriers)

Teekay LNG Partners L.P. (TGP) (Liquefied gas and conventional tankers)

Liquefied Natural Gas Shipping: Micro-Cap Stocks

StealthGas, Inc. (GASS) (Greece: LNG carriers)

Related Links:

List of Transportation Companies

Publicly Traded Companies by Sector and Industry