Publicly Traded Death Care Stocks
List of Publicly Traded Deathcare Product and Service Companies Listed on U.S. Exchanges
Most of these companies operate funeral homes and cemeteries. Service Corporation (SCI) is the largest of these companies operating approximately 1,600 funeral homes and 500 cemeteries.
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Funeral and Death Care Industry Comparison Widget
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Funeral and Death Care Services
Carriage Services, Inc. (CSV) (Funeral and cemetery services)
Hillenbrand Inc. (HI) (Process equipment and systems; death care products)
Matthews International Corporation (MATW) (Diversified: memorialization, industrial and branding products)
Security National Financial Corporation (SNFCA) (Diversified: insurance, mortgage loans, funeral services)
Service Corporation International (SCI) (Funeral and cemetery services)
StoneMor Partners L.P. (STON) (Funeral and cemetery services)
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