Publicly Traded Electronic Component Companies
List of Publicly Traded Electronic Component Companies Listed on Major U.S. Exchanges
These companies manufacture and/or distribute electronic components. A number of these companies also supply materials and/or services to electronic component manufacturers. These electronic components are used in thousands of different devices and used by companies in a number of different markets including the communications, consumer electronics, aerospace and defense, automotive, energy and transportation industries.
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Electronic Components: Large-Cap Stocks
TE Connectivity Ltd. (TEL) (Connectivity and sensor products)
Electronic Components: Mid-Cap Stocks
Arrow Electronics, Inc. (ARW) (Electronic components and enterprise computing products and services)
Avnet, Inc. (AVT) (Distributor of electronic components, enterprise computer and storage products)
AVX Corporation (AVX) (Electronic components and Interconnects)
Electronic Components: Small-Cap Stocks
Bel Fuse Inc. (BELFA) (Electronic components)
CTS Corporation (CTS) (Sensors, actuators and electronic components)
Kemet Corporation (KEM) (Electronic components)
II-VI Incorporated (IIVI) (Engineered materials and opto-electronic components)
Materion Corporation (MTRN) (Engineered materials)
Methode Electronics, Inc. (MEI) (Component and subsystem devices)
Rogers Corporation (ROG) (Specialty materials and components)
Electronic Components: Micro-Cap Stocks
CUI Global, Inc. (CUI) (Electro-mechanical products, natural gas systems integrator, natural gas technologies)
LGL Group, Inc. (The) (LGL) (Electronic components used in communications systems)
LightPath Technologies, Inc. (LPTH) (Optical and infrared components)
Richardson Electronics, Ltd. (RELL) (Electronic components and sub-assemblies)
Sparton Corporation (SPA) (Manufacturing and design services; engineered components and products)
Taitron Components Incorporated (TAIT) (Distributor of electronic components; value-added engineering and turn-key services)
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