Publicly Traded Diversified Shipping Companies
List of Publicly Traded Diversified Shipping Companies Listed on Major U.S. Exchanges
Diversified shipping companies in this category can be engaged in a wide range of water transportation services. These services can include transporting a combination of crude oil, chemicals, containers, dry bulk goods, vehicles or items in other categories. Even though they may be diverse in their vessels and cargo, many of the companies still employ business models which focus on leasing their vessels through medium to long-term fixed rate charters.
Additional publicly traded shipping companies and shipping categories can be accessed through the link below:
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Diversified Shipping Companies: Mid-Cap Stocks
Kirby Corporation (KEX) (Tank barge operator: petroleum and chemical products, dry-bulk goods)
Diversified Shipping Companies: Small-Cap Stocks
Ship Finance International Limited (SFL) (Car carriers, container vessels, crude oil tankers, drybulk carriers and offshore supply vessels)
Diversified Shipping Companies: Micro-Cap Stocks
Euroseas Ltd. (ESEA) (Greece: Dry Bulk and Containerships)
Navios Maritime Partners LP (NMM) (Dry bulk and containerships)
Sino-Global Shipping America, Ltd. (SINO) (Chartering, inland transportation management and ship management services)
Related Links:
List of Transportation Companies
Publicly Traded Companies by Sector and Industry