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List of Global Consumer Discretionary ETFs Listed on U.S. Exchanges

These ETFs focus on companies in the consumer discretionary sector. Examples of industries within this sector include automobiles, hotels, media, retail stores and luxury goods. The primary difference between the two global ETFs in this category is the iShares ETF (RXI) includes companies from the United States while the SPDR ETF (IPD) does not.

Also included on this list are consumer oriented ETFs that we have in other categories. These ETFs focus on emerging markets or individual countries.

Global Consumer Discretionary ETFs

iShares S&P Global Consumer Discretionary ETF (RXI) (U.S. Included)

SPDR S&P International Consumer Discretionary Sector ETF (IPD) (U.S. Excluded)

Other Global Consumer Oriented ETFs

EGShares Emerging Markets Consumer ETF (ECON)

EGShares India Consumer ETF (INCO)

Global X Brazil Consumer ETF (BRAQ)

Global X China Consumer ETF (CHIQ)