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Name of ETF: Deutsche X-trackers MSCI EMU Hedged Equity ETF

Name of ETF: Deutsche X-trackers MSCI EMU Hedged Equity ETF

Benchmark Index: EMU IMI U.S. Dollar Hedged Index

Ticker Symbol: DBEZ

Approximate Number of Companies in this ETF: 500

Hedged ETF: This is a hedged ETF. When the U.S. dollar is rising in relation to the Euro the returns on this ETF will be higher than a similar non-hedged ETF. Conversely, when the Euro is rising relative to the U.S. dollar the returns on this ETF will be lower than similar non-hedged ETF.

Types of European Companies Included in this ETF: Large and mid-sized companies located throughout the European Monetary Union.

Countries with the Most Representation: France and Germany

Sector with the Most Representation: The sector with the most representation (largest weight) is the financial sector.

Individual Company Weight: This ETF is diversified with no one company representing a significant percentage of the ETF.

Related Links:

Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management Website

List of ETFs Focusing on Europe